Despite increases in the number of women delivering in health facilities, maternal mortality in India remains high, indicating inconsistent quality of care. Efforts to improve quality are needed, particularly among private providers who deliver up to half of maternity care nationwide.
Innovation is at the center of Kenya’s development strategy. The widespread availability and utilization of digital technology, paired with a strong national health insurance program, make Kenya an ideal setting for innovative solutions that can reduce maternal mortality in Kenya and beyond.
Nigeria has the largest number of maternal deaths globally, accounting for nearly 20% of all maternal deaths. We work across both public and private sectors so that every woman in the country can receive quality maternity care wherever and whenever she seeks care.
The U.S. is the only high-income country where maternal mortality is on the rise. Racial inequities in maternal health outcomes are stark and persistent, with Black women in particular at increased risk for complications or worse.
We manage a corporate grants program that enables offices around the world to support nongovernmental organizations that are improving maternal health. The program is designed to be responsive to women’s needs locally and is extending our reach to many more sites across the globe.
In addition to our focus countries, we support grantees and collaborators across the world through our Global Grants program as well as through regional and global initiatives. Click on the map below to learn more about our efforts in specific locations.
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