Merck has announced the latest recipients of its Global Grants as part of Merck for Mothers, the company’s global initiative to help create a world where no woman has to die while giving life. With five new grantees across the Latin America and Asia Pacific regions, the company is expanding its social impact through strategic collaborations with organizations working to improve maternal health.
Maternal mortality persists as a reality for too many women, as the World Health Organization estimates that 800 women around the world die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth every day. Globally, at the current rate, it is likely that more than 4 out of 5 countries will not achieve their national maternal mortality target reduction by 2030 – stressing the importance of immediate progress.
“For over a decade, the Merck for Mothers Global Grants program has focused on addressing the specific needs of women around the world by supporting efforts to expand access to maternal health services at the community level,” said Jacque Caglia, Head, Merck for Mothers. “The organizations we proudly selected for these latest collaborations exemplify targeted, evidence-based solutions designed to overcome regional challenges and help every woman have access to the care she needs around pregnancy and childbirth.”
The Merck for Mothers Global Grants program is strategically designed to address the unique needs of women at the local level, extending the company’s support to numerous countries worldwide. Since its inception, the program has contributed over $46 million, supporting over 85 projects across more than 45 global locations.
In Latin America and the Caribbean, around 8,400 women die annually from pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum complications, driven by limited access to quality maternal health and family planning services. Migrant women, Indigenous populations, those in remote areas and women with low socioeconomic status face the highest risks. Similarly, the Asia Pacific region reports a maternal mortality rate of 67 deaths per 100,000 live births, with progress hindered by conflict, poverty, weak infrastructure, inadequate monitoring systems, and unequal health care access.
The newly selected global grants focus on high-impact activities that tackle issues unique to their selected region, but all have a common goal of improving maternal health care.
Asia Pacific Region:
Latin America Region:
As Merck for Mothers continues its mission, these grants represent another critical step toward eliminating preventable maternal deaths and creating a safer, healthier future for women and families globally.
To learn more about the Merck for Mothers Global Grants program, including current and past grantees, please visit:
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